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Chiropractic Care

Your nervous system is what coordinates and controls every other system of your body. The tone of your nervous system, in particular your vagus nerve, impacts your physical and emotional health. Chiropractic care doesn’t claim to treat or cure any illness, rather it unlocks the potential inside of you to heal yourself from within.

Regular chiropractic care has been shown to influence the vagus nerve in a way that helps the body to dial down the stress response that almost all of us live in and moves the entire nervous system towards a state of ease where healing can occur.

Our office utilizes instruments to deliver adjustments in a way that doesn’t require the “twisting, cracking and popping” that is traditionally associated with chiropractic care. Our approach is safe and gentle enough for people of any age.

What Conditions Do We Treat?

By moving your nervous system towards a state of ease your body can heal itself. Many people under regular care report results like pain relief, improved health, better sleep and improved mood. Again, this healing is due to the fact that your body is designed to be healthy and heal itself; regular chiropractic care doesn’t provide that healing rather it unlocks the healing potential already within you!